Returns and Exchanges

  • Can I return my online order in store?

    Sure! Purchases that have been made online may be returned or exchanged to any Billini store free of charge. Please note that refunds will not be processed in store and will instead be processed by Head Office upon receipt. Exchanges will be facilitated in store upon item availability. Find more ...
  • Can I return my order?

    We want to ensure you are completely satisfied with your order, so if for any reason your order doesn't fit or is unsuitable we offer the following return & exchange policy. How do I book a return? Australian Customers Ensure your item(s) meet our return and exchange policy: - Item(s) were...
  • How long does my refund take?

    We aim to process your return within 48 hours once your return reaches our processing location. Once your refund has been issued, please allow up to 7 business days for funds to reach your account.
  • I've processed an exchange, how long will it take?

    Once we have received your exchange, we will endeavour to process your request within 48 hours. Once this has been processed, your order will take the usual shipping times dependent to your location.